Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Wind is our enemy

So said our fearless bunch leader this morning, valiantly struggling to get the troops to ride more tightly and smoothly in our battle against a stiff enemy. I know its good training and I know its likely to be windy at Port and I know it’s the same for everyone, but I. STILL. HATE. RIDING. IN. THE. WIND!!! I was all set for a cruisey group 4 ride today, but numbers were down (maybe they were kept awake all night by the howling gale) so 3 and 4 were combined, which was probably perfect for me. Halfway through I was longing for it to be over, but by the end it was okay, maybe even bordering on enjoyable. And at least it stopped raining. Far far better to ride in a horrible wind than not ride at all.

Then I came home and ran the 10ks to work. On the way I listened to two podcasts of the Law Report (I have run out of back episodes of Ironman Talk) and I had a very enjoyable run. Its funny, for quite a few weeks now my Tuesday runs have been good runs. When I planned out my program at the start of the year I remember thinking if I could do a midweek SOP ride then run to work by this stage I would be going well, so I was pleased. And it’s a great feeling to have all your training done before the day even starts!

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