Thursday, March 15, 2007

Better sessions

Much better sessions! No grumbling today, promise :)

I did 14k in the morning in 1.20. I took it nice and easy and felt fine. I decided not to ride to work which I think did me wonders - maybe more mental than anything else. Taking the train means taking it easy. I wanted to have a good session in the pool after feeling rubbish on Monday. I got there a bit early and jumped in and did 500FS easy before we started. The the proper warm-up was 600FS. Then 20 x 50 pull on 1 minute and then 12 x 200 on 3.45 (2 easy, 2 very hard x 3) - whoa massive main set! But it was good, I felt strong and managed to stick to the times - just. Finished with my longest swim set ever I think at 4.5k.

This morning I got up a bit early and went out to SOP to do an extra lap before we started because I knew I'd have to leave 1 lap early. Group 3 started off massive but the pace was pretty quick and it was a game of attrition. I felt good and enjoyed the ride and reluctantly left after 4 laps to get home and straight into town for a massage. Massage was GREAT! Floated out and into work. Then I squeezed in a quick 1.5k swim at lunch time. I was going to squeeze in a run today too but have decided not to. Rest day tomorrow.

1 comment:

miners said...

12 x 200!!! gee, that sounds easy ...

Glad the prep's been going so well Zoe. The IM village is under construction as of yesterday (always good to get the nerves going), the smog has cleared, but there is red weed at Flynns Beach. Won't affect the IM swim, but doesn't make the beach look pretty :)

When are you likely to be up here? There's a few social rides/swims being organised for the out-of-towners if you'd be keen on meeting a few new people!