Monday, February 5, 2007

A lesson about rice pudding...

Don't eat a huge bowl of it before training! I took it out the fridge and thought, I'll eat half of that, but lo and behold, 6.2 seconds later, the bowl was empty. This was 30 minutes before squad and I had a stitch-like pain in my belly for most of the session. Apart from that, the swim was good. I am definitely starting to feel stronger, just seeing the benefits of consistent training I guess.

The results from the Cole Classic were up today and I was 19th out of 80-odd women in my age group. Happy with that. Even better was the fact that I beat Tony Abbott. He did 44 minutes, heh heh. He beat me in the Sydney marathon last year so this was my revenge. I know he cycles too so I wonder if he does triathlon? Another celebrity, David Wallams from Little Britain, did about 28 minutes. He also swam the English Channel last year!

The sourdough that Tom has been lovingly tending for the past 3 weeks finally produced some bread tonight and it is spectacular, and worth the wait. Especially slathered in Nutella. :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Isn't it amazing how rice pudding can disappear in the blink of an eye? ;-)

And your partner makes sourdough - wow; I'm impressed!