Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SMH Half Marathon training Week 3

AM - 10k easy. Yet another wet day, and I got soaked, but enjoyed the run.
PM - Swim squad, 3.5k - felt pretty good.

AM - I got up at 5AM to ride but got 1k down the road and aborted because it was too wet. Back to bed for an hour.
Lunch - Pain in the Domain. I went with the slowest group again, finished in 31:10 and it felt a bit "easy". Next week I WILL go with Group 4.

PM - Hill reps with Tom. It was so great to have his company, and I did a new PB for the hill by 2 seconds - 1:16. I might up the reps to 8 next week.

AM - My second attempt at a ride and it was only raining very lightly, but no-one showed up at Homebush. I rode around by myself until I bumped into some tri people I know. I rode with them (tried to) for a few laps and realised how unfit I am on the bike. :( 40k approx.

PM - 2k continuous swim in the rain at LPAC. It was great, the pool was deserted.

Anzac Day - Did 14k around the Bay, with a goal of doing the CR 5k in the middle at 5 min pace. I managed this at about 4.45 pace. I am aiming to build this up each week so I can maintain 5min pace more easily.

AM - Long-ish run up at Nelson Bay with Tom. We included a trip up Tomaree Headland in our run and saw a huge pod of 50+ dolphins. It was a beautiful place to run but for some reason I didn't feel very good. We finished with 18.5k in 1:50.

AM - 10k run by myself along the beaches to the west of Nelson Bay. It was gloriously beautiful and after a slow start I started feeling better and ended up feeling great.

So I finished the week with around 70k run, plus 2 swims and a ride, which is all I am aiming for ATM. I was disappointed to again have no decent long run, but apart from that it was a good week and I felt strong. I am excited for the Striders 10k next week and am hoping that (what seems like to me) a lot of running will pay off with a new PB.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like a fantastic week of training Zoe. I'm certain it will pay off over the Striders 10k on Friday & at the SMH next month!

BTW which way did you run on your two runs up at Nelson Bay? We are up there for the Club Champs this weekend.