Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SMH Half Marathon training Week 2

PM - Swim squad 3.5ks - slowly starting to feel a bit more like "I can swim".

AM - Rode at SOP with group 4/5. I have definitely lost some bike fitness, but I can still keep up. I want to go once per week and hope to get back to group 3.

Lunch - Pain in the Domain. 31:05 for the intervals, 10k total incl w/up and c/down. It felt easier than last week but also harder because I am a bit more fatigued. I am very keen to keep going consistently. Love the pain!

AM - Medium run around the Bay. I felt a bit flat and was not running well. 14k.

PM - Lilyfield Rd reps x 6. The first rep was c-r-a-p, but I pulled my socks up after that. Felt good on the way home too. 11k.

AM - Swim squad - 3.8k. Struggled a bit with motivation as there is no one else at my pace.

Adventure race - see post below - 5.5hrs general exertion.

REST (and bike cleaning).

This wasn't the week I wanted running-wise, just because of no long run. But overall it was pretty good with 2 squad swims, a ride and a 5 hour race, so I can’t complain.

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