Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wisemans Ferry Run and Blue Mtns Bike

Like a good little endurance athlete I made the most of the *long* weekend with a *long* run yesterday and a *long* ride today. (My concession to Easter was baking and eating hot cross buns. Yum. And eating lots of chocolate.)

Yesterday was up to Wiseman's Ferry for a Fat Ass run. I have never been there before and it was a lovely spot for a run. After taking Monday to Friday last week completely off training (nothing!!) I figured I would either feel fast and fresh or really flat and slow. Sadly it was the latter. But it was still very enjoyable as it was all offroad, lovely and quiet in the trees and I had great company from another woman runner. We took the "short" 27k option and finished in 3 hours. I was very glad I did not take the 34k option as I would have really suffered. 61k was not an option. ;)

Today Tom and I took the train up to the Blue Mountains for a long day in the saddle. We started from Wentworth Falls and rode Anderson's firetrail to Woodfood. I have not ridden this before and I was a little disappointed. It was fine but nothing special. There was a long rocky steep descent which is just not my kind of riding - I ended up with sore hands from gripping the brakes too hard. Then there was a nasty long climb back out. I had been looking forward to this as I usually like climbing more than descending, but it was really hard! I said the f-word several times. We got to Woodford where we planned to have lunch, only to remember that there is nowhere there to eat, so instead we had a banana and a hot-cross bun and pushed on towards Glenbrook on the Oaks firetrail. This was much more fun. There's lots of downhill but mostly not steep, there's lovely open sections, a very long and fast single track section, some good technical stuff at the end and then a nice hard climb out (on bituman). All together we covered around 60k in 5 hours and we finally got our lunch at Glenbrook.

1 comment:

Bagpipes1945 said...

Hey, Zoe!

Your mum sent me an email telling me about your blog. I hope that you do not mind me following you along. It almost feels like I am some sort of voyeur - peeking at you from behind a bush.

I hope all is well with you and Tom in 'the big city'. Your mum talks about you guys all of the time.
