Saturday, June 28, 2008

Body training, mind wandering

I have had a good week, and recovered well after feeling a bit tired from the weekend. It was so great not to have it raining every day.

PM - Easy 2k swim followed by 20 blissful minutes in the steam room.

AM - Rode with LACC. My legs were feeling a bit tired so I went with Group 4 - a solid effort but not super hard.
Lunch - Pain in the Domain. I was anointed leader for group 5, which is fun, but it means I don't run as hard as I would otherwise. I got the group around in about 29:45.

AM - 14k run around the Bay. I just couldn’t motivate myself to do my <5mink>

PM - 5k Bolt at the Bay with Balance Tri Club. I wasn't sure how I would go and so guesstimated 21:30, but I ran well. It was strange to be running fast in the dark, but good. I finished in 20:19. If I had been honest with myself and estimated 20:30 I would have won the handicap - silly girl. The course was possibly a little short, but now I can smell the sub-20 and will aim for that some time soon. 19-something sounds so good.

AM - swim squad 4k. It was quite a hard session and I was on my own, with the other swimmers being mostly faster and some slower than me. I have been thinking about finding another squad, with more people and triathletes. But there is really nowhere as convenient.

Saturday -CR 5k challenge. I planned to take it easy and ran without a watch. I think I did about 23 minutes. It was a lovely morning with great company and banana bread for brekky.

So this week I have been thinking I would like to get back to dedicated tri training. Its been 6 months now of just running. Yes, I swim and ride once or twice a week, but its not the same. The biggest difference I guess is not doing long rides on the weekend. And I must admit I don’t like the idea of going back to those. Its nasty road riding in Sydney and its not very Tom-friendly. I am really happy with my progress as a runner this year and there are lots more runs I want to do. But I do feel a stirring. Anyway, I am not going to make any changes right away, I'll just see how things develop.

Tomorrow is Woodford to Glenbrook. I am aiming for under 2 hours, which is a big step up from last year's 2.20, but I think I can do it. Last year I was sick and not as fit as I am now. We'll see. Its sure to be a great day out on the trail in any case.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are running so well at the moment. Perhaps there is something to that training theory of 'block' training; periods of just focusing on one discipline.

Good luck tomorrow; I'll be at the finish line somwhere!