Friday, August 10, 2007

Good ol tired legs

It never ceases to amaze me how the body adapts and changes. I feel quite buggered after this week, which has been bigger than my usual of late, but not much compared to an IM training week. I have ridden the mtb to work each day, which is 10k each way, total of 100k. The plan to "go hard" started out well on Monday but then slowly petered out and by today I was definitely cruising. Ah well. I also did 45k road rides on Tues and Thurs, both enjoyable, and ran 11k on Wed and 14k today, both easy. This was supposed to be my week to get back in the pool but I got a nasty ear infection in Darwin, and have been on antibiotics, so that'll wait till next week.

My sis and bro-out-law are coming up tonight for the C2S on Sunday. I have a red bib that I got on the strength of my SHM Half time, but I am not sure how I'll go. I have been running abit, but my right leg has been sore for a few weeks now. I don't think its anything serious, but it does hurt and I just "feel" like I have no speed at the moment. But it should be a fun day anyway. I will wear my CR cap and hopefully get some cheers and meet new people. Tom will do a good time I think, his running is going great guns at the moment. :)

Now I am starting to really look forward to the Angry Doctor and a weekend at the coast. 3 weeks to go now. Next weekend I am heading down to Canberra to do some more last minute mtb training.


Jen said...

Good luck on Sunday Zoe. I hope we finally get a chance to meet!

Jen said...

How has the training be going for the Angry Doctor? Is it this weekend? If so, GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to read the race report.

Jen said...

C'mon Zoe, time for an update! Hope things are going well